AyuKarma Ayurveda

Home Remedies For UTI

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Home Remedies For UTI

UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infections. As the name suggests, it refers to the development of infection in the urinary tract of an individual. Under the most common situations, urinary tract infections begin to take place in its lower part, that is, where the urinary bladder and urethra are located. Sometimes, the conditions arise where your ureters might also get affected. However, several home remedies for UTI can be opted for by an individual.

The home remedies for urine infection are meant to ease your levels of pain and discomfort. These treatments can vary from person to person based on the severity of the symptoms being experienced. The homemade remedies for UTI can be verified by an experienced Ayurvedic expert as he can guide you right on the precautionary measures. The professionals conduct a proper diagnosis and provide you with an effective home cure for a bladder infection suited best to your needs.

What Are The Symptoms Of Urinary Tract Infection?

To cure UTI at home, it is first important to understand the symptoms of the urinary tract infection as they need to be alleviated with the application of remedies in the condition. These are some of the common symptoms experienced by UTI patients:

  • Bloody in urine
  • Cloudy urine appearance that may smell terrible
  • High Urinary frequency
  • A low-grade fever
  • Lower abdominal or back cramps.
  • Strong urge to urinate.
  • Urinary pain
  • Burning sensation while urinating

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Home Remedies For UTI

Talking of UTIs and home remedies, it is important here to understand that even home remedies need to be safe and verified by a health practitioner to avoid any kind of imbalance in the body’s function. To cure urinary tract infections at home, you must follow these remedies.

1. Application Of Heat

Application Of Heat - Home Remedies For UTI

The application of heat is among one of the effective home remedies for UTI that can be opted for in the current scenario. The patient can either opt for a hot water bottle or a heating pad to cure urine infection at home. The application of heat on the back or abdomen helps to relieve the pain and discomfort to a great extent and enhances the effect of medicines if any.

2. Hydration

Hydration - home remedies for uti

This is an important concept when looking for home remedies for UTI and is suggested by most of healthcare professionals today. Water is required to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body and promote better functioning of urinary tract organs.

As you start consuming plenty of water, it helps to treat the active UTI and prevents the development of upcoming infections if any. Consumption of liquids as home remedies for UTI is considered essential as it promotes bacteria to be flushed out through urinary pathways. Additionally, it dilutes the urine, thereby, reducing the burning sensation.

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3. Use of Cranberry Supplements

Cranberry Supplements - home remedies for UTI

The consumption of cranberry supplements has been shown to have a positive effect on the health of UTI patients. When counting on the home remedies for UTI, cranberry supplements have to be opted for. Cranberries are loaded with elements called proanthocyanidins. These substances help prevent bacteria from attaching to the cells that line the urinary system. However, it contains a good amount of sugar as well which might not go well with every patient’s condition. Therefore, it is suggested that you first connect with a specialist and then follow any home remedies for UTI.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C - home remedies for UTI

There is no doubt in the fact that vitamin C works highly well for your overall health and well-being. Vitamin C is being increasingly used by some uti patients as it contains ascorbic acid which plays a great role in preventing UTIs. the main concept behind vitamin C being used under the category of home remedies for UTI is that it holds the power to increase the acidity of the urine so that bacteria stave off completely. Also, when you follow a combination of correct home remedies, the results are expected to come out higher than usual.

5. Frequency Of Urination

Frequency Of Urination - home remedies for UTI

To deal with UTIs, one of the home remedies for UTI that is generally suggested includes going for urination more frequently. This allows for flushing out bacteria from the body and ensures a better health outcome. Holding urine for longer times remains one of the major causes of developing infections in several people. The more you allow waste products and bacteria to settle in the body, the more riskier situation gets. Therefore, it is advised that you keep a check on the urination frequency.

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The presence of numerous home remedies for UTI suggests that the disease is highly curable when diagnosed on time and corrected with the right combination of treatments. Any home remedy should never be molded on your own so that the condition does not get worse. You must seek expert advice on what combination of home remedies for UTI can be tried to get the desired results.

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