AyuKarma Ayurveda

Panchakarma Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Remedies, Therapies, and Advice for All Your Health Issues, Recommended by Expert Health Professionals

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Ayurveda is a world of good for humankind. The emergence of Ayurveda, long back, 5000-years ago, has brought a sheer improvement in the way health is perceived. This comprehensive approach has geared the world to a perfectly healthy place where the focus is on thriving and not on agitation.

Let’s break it down for you, Ayurveda is a traditional and comprehensive approach to a healthy body and mind. The goal is to let people experience more about themselves through therapies meant to detoxify stress from the core. And the end result is a healthy mind and body free of unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and patterns.

On the face of it, Ayurveda has branches that make healing a perpetual process. Panchakarma is one such crucial part of Ayurveda, instancing “Five Actions,” as it talks about the five pursuits that control the body, namely Vomiting, Purgation, Niruham, Anuvaasan, and Nasyam.

In Sanskrit literature, Pancha means five. This healing approach is a base for various other ancient techniques as curated by Ayurveda. Panchakarma help unlock the untouched sense of the human body and awakens your sense of purpose. Not only is this mentally and physically purposeful, but it also unlocks the emotional blockage.

Panchakarma Treatment

Oleation: Oleation is the process of using oil or greasy substance on the body. Different medicinal and herbal oils are used for external purposes during the treatment. The oily substances, especially ghee (orally administered) goes to the body for three to seven days. This treatment helps eliminate Ama, which is called toxins in Sanskrit, and in calming the Doshas. Oleation is done to prepare the body for purification as the toxins stuck up in the cells loosen up.

There are two primary types of Snehana - Bahya Snehana (External Oleation) and Abhyantara Snehana (Internal Oleation).

Fomentation: Right after the body is cleansed, Swedana (fomentation ) indulges in various methods to produce sweat. A person undergoing this therapy is given heat either by using a decoction of herbs or by using a warm cloth or making them sit in a warm cabin. The tissues which become delicate after oleation become more pliable after Swedana.

Why should one undergo Panchakarma therapy?

Stress and a poor lifestyle have taken a toll on our life and has left us in the state of an unhealthy mind. Panchakarma is one such procedure to release deeply rooted emotions using the massage, Satvik diet, medicinal herbs, fasting, and colon treatments.

Qualified Ayurvedic vaidyas and therapists start with an examination of the body’s temperament to prescribe treatments ranging from therapeutic massages to more rigorous modes of elimination therapies. As the treatment continues, you are required to consume a special diet routine to get the most out of the treatment. These will help boost liver and stomach function while detoxifying the body.

Panchakarma comes with cleansing methodologies where the body is detoxified through different procedures. It requires a minimum of 2 weeks for the body to get cleansed from the core.

Besides, Panchakarma comes with unbounded healing effects on the mind and body. Though the benefits are individualized, some generalized, not limited to, benefits include:

  • Purification of the mind
  • Elimination of toxins deeply rooted
  • Reinvigoration of cells and tissues
  • Improved metabolism
  • Contributes to weight loss
  • Enhancing the strength of digestive fire
  • Unblocked channels of the body
  • Immune system boost

The five processes of Panchakarma

The five steps of Panchakarma constitute a pillar for the whole procedure. This therapy is believed to be a factor for the elimination of the disease-causing agents.

The following are the five processes that help improve immunity and cleanses the body.

Vamana: This is an oleation procedure in which an individual is given therapies and medications (orally). This helps retch out the toxins that are deposited in the cells and tissues.

Virechana: This process of Panchakarma helps clear off the toxins through the bowels. Using ayurvedic medicines, the individuals are asked to go for a natural purgative method. The procedure helps clear the guts to propagate the purification of the body of toxins.

Basti: Using Enema, ayurvedic therapy induces natural decoctions such as ghee, milk, medicinal oils, etc. This procedure is customized to the type of disease a person has. Often the best therapy for conditions like arthritis, piles, and constipation.

Nasya: The nose is a path to consciousness and our inner pharmacy. Medications are administered through the nasal passages that affect the Prana Vata, Tarpaka, Kapha, Sadhaka Pitta, and Majja Dhatu. Using the procedure, any sort of pain in the cerebral area is treated through the nasal area.

Raktamokshan: This is the fifth process done to clean the Rakta or blood. If your blood has toxins, you likely attract major illnesses like pigmentation, skin and scalp psoriasis, skin cancer, etc.

The application of these procedures helps improve the functionality and enhance the longevity of the individual.

What to expect from your Panchakarma Therapy?

According to Ayurveda, we humans are born with a natural self-healing mechanism. Yet, over time, the emotional, mental, and physical trauma abstains us from this innate power. With continuity, our natural defense seems to deplete, and we become vulnerable to disease.

In addition to this, our unhealthy eating also contributes to improper digestion that results in toxins aggregations in the cells and tissues, causing imbalance. Panchakarma is a time-tested technique by Ayurvedacharyas to help you get over the sickness. The therapy is an instinctive procedure to bring the core efficiencies of humans. Your spiritual temperaments also grow, and you experience changes in mental, physical, and emotional levels.

Perhaps, you may require a "recuperating emergency,” which is entirely natural as you head towards ideal wellbeing.

Restoring a healthy balance

The digestive power or energy within us, called Agni, makes tissues healthy and helps clear toxins as required by the body. But, of chance, if our Agni is weakened, digestion is affected, and toxins do not leave the body, resulting in Ama accumulation.

Ama is known to block vitality and nourishment throughout your natural framework. This deposition of Ama is the root cause of an unhealthy body and mind.

For optimal health, an individual needs to have a strong digestive fire that can discard toxins as and when needed. And to boost your debilitated digestive power, Panchakarma is an effortless procedure to restore your inner and outer state of being.


Panchakarma may or may not be viable for everyone. A pregnant woman or a person with traumatic injuries should be refrained from using this procedure. It is important to consult a qualified Ayurvedic physician before going for a Panchakarma so that your physician can customize the therapy as per your health.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025