AyuKarma Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular problems or diseases (CVDs) are the conditions that affect the structures and function of the heart.

CVDs usually include a wide spectrum of diseases, such as:

  • Angina, pain in the chest
  • Arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat, or heart rhythm
  • Congenital heart diseases
  • Coronary artery disease, which affects the arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure, unusual contraction, and relaxation of the the heart
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Mitral regurgitation
  • Mitral valve prolapse, in which part of the mitral valve grows into the left atrium of the heart leading to mitral regurgitation
  • Rheumatic heart disease is an inflammation of the heart
  • Pulmonary stenosis, in which narrowing of the artery results in an impaired blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery
  • A narrowing of the heart valve results in blockage to the blood flow leaving the heart, called Aortic stenosis
  • Common radiation also induces heart diseases


As there are a number of conditions under the umbrella term cardiovascular problems, signs or symptoms vary. Some conditions, such as type hypertension, may initially cause no symptoms at all.

However, generalized symptoms of an underlying cardiovascular issue include:

  • Extreme pain or pressure in the chest
  • Pain that radiates to the arms left shoulder, elbows, jaw, or back
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea and fatigue
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Cold sweats
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Swollen feet or ankles

Although these are the generalized signs, cardiovascular diseases may affect your entire body.

When to see a doctor

Seek emergency care if you have breathlessness, Chest pain, and Fainting. Heart disease can be managed well if they are diagnosed early. If you have the risk factors associated with the risk of CVD, talk to your doctor about measures you can take to bring down your risk.

Particularly, if you have a family history of heart disease, annual screening is recommended to avoid any future consequences.

Risk factors

Risk factors for developing heart disease include:

  • Age. As we age, the arteries and the heart muscles start to wear out, resulting in narrowing and weakening of the blood vessels.
  • Sex. Men are likely to get heart disease, unlike women whose risk increases after menopause.
  • Smoking. Nicotine in cigars can stiffen your blood vessels that make you more vulnerable to get atherosclerosis. The risk of CVD is more in smokers than in nonsmokers.
  • Poor Diet. If you are taking a diet substantially high in fat, salt, sugar, and cholesterol, your risk of heart disease elevates.
  • High Blood Pressure. Poorly controlled blood pressure can harden and thicken the blood vessels through which the blood flows to the heart.
  • High Blood Cholesterol Levels. Cholesterol buildup in the blood results in plaque formation in the blood vessels that lead to atherosclerosis.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes, especially if it is chronic likely elevates the risk of cardiovascular problems. Over time, too much sugar in the blood can weaken the blood vessel’s function and invites life-threatening complications.
  • Living a Sedentary Lifestyle. For those with an inactive lifestyle, the risk of heart disease is very high compared to those who take time to hit on the treadmills.
  • Obesity. There is no ambiguity in the fact that too much weight can cause a bunch of conditions associated with CVDs.
  • Stress. Cardiovascular diseases are a result of lifestyle disorders, mostly the cause of which is stress. When you are in a constant state of stress, the body releases hormones that deplete the functioning of your heart and brain.
  • Poor Dental Health. For some ostensible reason, your dental health is linked to heart health. If your teeth and gums are unhealthy, bacteria may start hunting in and enter your bloodstream and travel up to your heart and cause inflammation.
  • Family History. If you have a family member with a heart problem (first-degree relative), especially a parent with heart disease at an early age, you are prone to get CVD sometimes in your life.

Preventive Tips

The following steps will help prevent some of the conditions within CVD:

  • Manage Body Weight: If you lose weight, you can certainly bring down your risk of CVD, in a report confirmed by The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders.
  • Get Regular Exercise: The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise to stay active and avoid the risk of CVD.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking holds a major part in the risk factors involved in CVD. Consult a rehab center if you are unable to resist cigars or nicotine on your own.
  • Stop Alcohol: Alcohol can cause a temporary splurge in the heart rate and blood pressure. Consuming alcohol for a long time can lead to an increase in the heart rate, weakened heart muscle, and irregular heartbeat.
  • Follow a Heart-healthy Diet: Eating a diet that is rich in polyunsaturated fats and omega-3, fruits and vegetables help the heart to function efficiently and reduce the risk of CVD. Make sure to cut excess sodium, added sugar, and saturated fat from your diet.

Ayurvedic treatment for Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiology is a branch of science that deals with the functioning of the heart, arteries, and veins. They are known to be life-endangering conditions putting you at the risk of losing life due to our changing lifestyle and dietary habits.

Ayurveda identifies five types of heart diseases according to the clinical diagnosis. Ayurvedic therapies and procedures are meant to help the body get rid of toxins that build up in the blood and disrupt the functioning of the blood vessels. Given the right diet, lifestyle, and herbal procedures, you can always get better.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025