AyuKarma Ayurveda

Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

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Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

In our country, sex is still considered a taboo or a topic less discussed openly. The lack of communication is the most important factor that leads to sexual problems. There might be several factors contributing to the difficulty during intimate moments. Lack of knowledge, unable to communicate with the partner, or any sexual health-related concern. The catch here is that the problem might be in one or both partners so, it is suggested to seek a proper medical assessment and treatment strategy.

Allopathic medicines might be beneficial but they might not treat the root of the disease leaving the chance of re-occurrence of the condition. Also, there might be some additional side effects associated with it. That’s when sexual Ayurvedic medicine comes into the picture. Ayurveda with its immense ocean of information regarding the natural ways of improving the overall wellness effectively helps in the management of sexual health. Let’s discuss in detail some of the most common sexual complications in both males and females, the causes, and how exactly sexual ayurvedic medicine helps.  

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Common Sexual Dysfunctions

Sexual dysfunction can be broadly divided into four types:

  • Arousal Disorder: Unable to get sexually aroused due to a poor mental and physical connection.
  • Painful Intercourse: Suffering pain during intercourse
  • Lack of Sexual Desire: Absence of desire to get intimate
  • Inability to Achieve Orgasm: Unable to attain the climax

There might be different reasons for the above sexual dysfunctions based on gender. Let’s discuss the different sexual disorders in detail.

Sexual Disorders in Men

  • Low libido: It includes the low sexual desire among males and it is mainly due to the low testosterone levels.
  • Erectile dysfunction: It is the inability to get or maintain a firm erection during sexual intercourse. Improper blood flow, penis injury, and relationship issues are some prominent causes of ED.
  • Premature Ejaculation: It creates difficulty attaining orgasm in the female partner. It is linked to performance pressure, medication reactions, damaged spinal cord, and more.
  • Low Testosterone: A lack of testosterone creates hormonal imbalance and might be considered the root cause of all the above-mentioned sexual dysfunctions.

Sexual Disorders in Women

Some of the most common sexual disorders that women can face:

  • Painful intercourse: Tense vaginal muscles and lack of lubrication may cause painful intercourse.
  • Low sexual desire: Hormonal imbalance or menopause may be some factors causing low sexual desire in women
  • Inability to achieve orgasm: Low libido, problems with a male partner, relationship issues, stress, and more are some factors creating difficulty in achieving orgasms.

Common Causes of Sexual Dysfunction

Certain medical conditions and psychological factors are attributed to the condition of sexual dysfunction. Some of the most common factors at a glance:

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Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction

There are specific symptoms that may indicate sexual dysfunction. Let’s look at some of the common symptoms in both genders below:

Symptoms in Men

  • Inability to get a firm erection
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Unable to ejaculate

Symptoms in Women

  • Unable to attain orgasm
  • Insufficient vaginal lubrication

Common Symptoms

  • Low sexual desire
  • Painful intercourse
  • Unable to get aroused

Ayurvedic Approach to Sexual Wellness

Sexual health is one of the most important parts of life and it is really important to manage any abnormality associated with it. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science, believes the imbalance in the body’s doshas causes all the diseases including the problems related to intimacy or sexual moments. Ayurveda considers treating the disease from the root to limit any re-occurrence and that’s the case while treating sexual dysfunction. It emphasizes using nature-based solutions to minimize any potential side effects. Ayurvedic experts propose certain natural herbs as the best ayurvedic medicine for sex. Herbs such as ashwagandha, gokshura, shatavari, and many more not only improve sexual complications but also act as ayurvedic medicine for sex power

Ayurveda also considers improving psychological state as an important part of overall sexual wellness. It thus suggests certain treatment therapies such as Panchakarma or aromatherapy to detoxify the body, boost metabolism, and rejuvenate the mind to relieve stress. It is advised to consult an Ayurvedic expert to suggest the best therapies to improve your condition.  

Apart from medicines and therapies, ayurveda suggests improving eating habits and maintaining an active lifestyle inclusive of exercise, yoga, and meditation.

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Ayurvedic Sexual Medicine

Ayurveda believes natural herbs are immensely effective in treating sexual problems. Some of the best ayurvedic medicine for sex power may include:

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha - Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

It acts as a sex problem ayurvedic medicine by improving stamina, relieving stress, and helping balance hormones to have a better sexual life.

2. Shatavari

Shatavari - Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

It improves sexual drive and it is especially effective in reducing vaginal dryness and enhancing the sexual health of women.

3. Gokshura

Gokshura - Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

It acts as a sex power increase ayurvedic medicine by improving libido, increasing blood flow to the genitals, treating erectile problems, and enhancing overall sexual performance.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng - Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

It acts as sex improve ayurvedic medicine by improving sperm count, sexual libido, relieves nervous problems, and helps in hormonal balance.

5. Musli

Musli - Sexual Ayurvedic Medicine

It can act as a sex ayurvedic medicine by improving blood circulation, enhancing libido, and treating sexual disorders.


The moment of sexual intimacy is highly important for a healthy relationship. In the condition of sexual disorders, ayurvedic medicines may prove highly beneficial. Ayurvedic herbs can be used as medicine for all sexual complications for both genders. Ayurveda also suggests certain treatment therapies such as Panchakarma to boost both mental and physical health. The main perk of sexual ayurvedic medicine is that they don’t cause side effects and provide a long-lasting treatment solution.

If you or someone in your family is seeking assistance for sexual wellness, do contact experts at Ayukarma. Book your consultation now!!

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