AyuKarma Ayurveda

Kidney Swelling Treatment

Ayurvedic Remedies, Therapies, and Advice for All Your Health Issues, Recommended by Expert Health Professionals

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Kidney Swelling Treatment

Kidney swelling refers to hydronephrosis, a condition in which the kidneys get enlarged due to excessive urine accumulation. It is usually caused by an obstruction or reflux. The physician may see pain, reduced kidney function, and other complications with this ailment if left untreated. The Ayurvedic system of medicine has a very effective method of relieving this kind of complaint. The present article seeks to explore Ayurveda's concepts and modalities for kidney swelling treatment, enlarged kidneys, and other related conditions, delineating their insights into stabilization and long-term health.

Understanding Kidney Swelling

The main role of the kidneys is excretion through the filtration of wastes, which mainly consist of water and salts. They are even in charge of maintaining water and mineral balance and regulating blood pressure. Some small cellular or chemical obstructions cause kidney swelling along the urinary tract, generating kidney stones, urinary infections, or congenital or other anomalies. Some other symptoms of this disorder include flank pain, nausea, difficulty in urination, and swelling elsewhere.

Ayurveda holds that kidney disorders arise due to imbalances among doshas. Such imbalances generally constitute the differentiation of inherited traits.' Disruption of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dosha will manifest, in more serious cases, as kidney dysfunction, including swelling. It is most important to identify the disruptive factor for swollen kidney treatment.

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Ayurvedic Approach to Kidney Swelling Treatment

Ayurveda considers kidney swelling treatment as a substitution treatment, in which the attention is directed towards the root cause of the kidney disorder, which generally revolves around balancing the tridoshas. The enlarged kidney treatment plan usually includes herbal remedies, dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and cleansing therapies. Ayurvedic kidney swelling treatment have been listed below:

1. Herbal Remedies

Ayurveda uses herb's therapeutic properties to relieve conditions and maintain the health of the kidneys. Some of the significant herbs are listed below:

  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

Punarnava - kidney swelling treatment

Punarnava is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent; it helps reduce swelling and detoxifies the kidneys.

  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)


It acts on the urinary tract and helps dissolve kidney stones, one of the common causes of kidney swelling.

  • Varuna


Varuna is commonly used for treating enlarged kidneys and through managing the flow of urine, clears blockages.

  • Chandraprabha Vati

Chandraprabha Vati

Chandraprabha Vati is a classical Ayurvedic medicine that has been known to decrease inflammation and repair further kidney function.

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2. Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma is the foundation of Ayurvedic treatment, wherein detoxification is done to cleanse out the toxins and restore balance. Along with the diagnosis, the treatment, in many cases, the Ayurveda gives the treatment of urinary obstruction to include Basti (medicated enema) and Virechana (purgation therapy).

3. Dietary Modifications

Dietary Modifications

A balanced diet is vital in the care of kidney swelling. In Ayurveda, consumption should be strictly based on doshas. These include:

Warm water mixed with coriander or cumin helps detox the kidneys. Avoid salt so that water retention does not further aggravate swelling. Fresh fruits and green vegetables provide an alkaline solution for the body; e.g., cucumber, watermelon, and spinach. Processed and high-protein foods put strain on already-challenged kidneys.

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4. Lifestyle Modifications

  • Exercises


Gentle exercises like yoga and pranayama improve circulation and help detoxification.

  • Stress Management

Stress Management

Even meditation and mindful practices include stress management to prevent excessive dosha aggravation.

  • Adequate Sleep

Adequate Sleep

Right rest for the body allows healing and nourishment.

  • Hydration with Ayurvedic Teas

Hydration with Ayurvedic Teas

Herbal teas made with things like coriander seeds, fennel, and ginger can reinforce kidney function and help with swelling of kidney treatment. Such teas act as diuretics, thus bringing the unwelcome toxins out by inducing urine flow.

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5. Ayurvedic Therapies


Abhyanga (oil massage) and fomentation furthered with herbal poultices reduce inflammation and support overall kidney function further by circulating the blood flow and reducing the discomfort associated with kidney enlargement. 

Preventive Measures To Be Followed

Preventing kidney swelling requires effective positive health behavior. These are preventive measures that can be taken to maintain the renal function:

  • Weight Management: Obesity only puts additional strain on the kidneys, creating a risk for complications that will alter the normal functioning of the kidneys.
  • Regular Check-ups: Finding issues with the kidneys early on will avoid progression to severe swelling or hydronephrosis.
  • Prevent Dehydration: Ensure adequate fluid intake, especially during periods of hot weather or rigorous physical activity.
  • Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: Their consumption causes stress on the kidneys resulting in swollen conditions.


Kidney swelling can create a hindrance to someone's quality of life. However, Ayurvedic treatments offer the prospects of natural, safe, and holistic healing. Treatment through herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, detoxification therapies, and determining lifestyle changes make Ayurveda treat both symptoms and root cause conditions concerning kidney disease. If you or someone close to you are looking for a safe and sustainable treatment for swollen kidneys, finding a trained Ayurvedic treatment for kidney swelling can become the method that helps you to achieve better health and well-being for all.

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