AyuKarma Ayurveda

Is Mango Good For Diabetic Patient?

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Is Mango Good For Diabetic Patient?

When it comes to the consumption of sweet fruits, one of the most popular debates is the incredibly sweet mangoes. On one hand, mangoes are powerful sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which can enhance the potential of human health but on the other hand, they contain natural sugars which are worse when it comes to instance blood sugar levels. Well, when you search for ‘Is mango good for diabetic patients’, you may come across the following analysis.

Nutritional Profile of Mangoes

Mangoes also contain Vitamins A, C, and E, folate, and dietary fiber. This is enriched with small proportions of B vitamins – calcium, iron, and potassium as well. Here, beta-carotene and polyphenols found in mangoes come in handy for easing inflammation and even help in boosting the immune system. When you think ‘Is mango good for diabetics’, it’s better to look at both pros and cons.

Glycemic Index and Load

The glycemic index (GI), quantifies the ability of foods to spike blood sugar. Eating high GI foods results in quick and abrupt raises in blood sugar levels. However, mangoes with a Glycemic Index of about 51 can be categorized under low-medium G.I foods. Deserving special attention is the glycemic loading (GL), which is based both on GI and the amount of carbohydrates per serving size, is also moderate. That is why, although mangos can ‘increase’ or ‘raise’ blood sugar, their effects are not nearly as severe as those seen with high-GI foods.

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Portion Control and Timing

Particularly for diabetic patients, it is best to moderate portions in an attempt to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates. Experience has it that a serving size of mango is estimated at half a mango and it has a total of about 12 grams of sugar. You might think that mango fruit is good for diabetic patients but it might cause harm to the body in the long run.

According to the medical recommendation, eating mangoes should be done in small amounts since it has high GI but taking mangoes along with high fiber or protein foods can go a long way in stabilizing the blood sugar levels. However, if mangoes are eaten along with some other foods, their glycemic effects can be considerably lowered, thanks to the food-combining principle.

Individual Variability

Diabetes patients differ in the way they metabolize different foods, so it is significant to differentiate services. By tracking blood glucose levels after eating mangoes, one can gain body-specific information regarding its effects. It can be beneficial to discuss the dietary options with a doctor or a registered dietitian to understand what would work best for a particular person.

Ayurvedic Perspective To Treat Diabetes

In the Ayurveda system of medicine, diabetes is known as Madhumeha which is a syndrome originating from the alteration in metabolism and physiological derangement of dosha viz, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It has had the most success with lifestyle modification through nutrition and the use of herbal remedies.

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Dietary Recommendations in Ayurveda

To increase awareness, Ayurveda recommends proper doshas and thus should avoid sugar or other food products that raise the glucose concentration in the blood. While searching for ‘Is mango safe for diabetics’, you must look at the natural modes of disease maintenance as well.

1. Key recommendations include

Avoiding Sweet, Sour, and Salty Tastes: One gets to eat food of such tastes as these food products can upset Kapha and Pitta doshas which are usually profound in diabetes.

2. Incorporating Bitter Tastes

These tastes also assist in regulating blood sugar and promoting optimum digestion and healthy metabolism. Among them are bitter gourd, fenugreek, turmeric, and so on.

3. Emphasizing Whole Grains and Legumes

The choice in the carbohydrate content includes barley, millet, and pulses due to low glycemic index and high fiber content.

4. Using Ghee

Particularly ghee which despite its high fat content, is said to be good for the metabolism and can be used sparingly.

Lifestyle Recommendations

Ayurveda comprises daily activities (Dinacharya) to regulate the body and season-regulated, activities (Ritucharya) for the body.

1. Regular Exercise

A review of the roles and health benefits of physical activity indicates that it aids in weight control and improves insulin resistance. It is very important to do some types of exercise and the best ones according to the method are yoga and walking.

2. Adequate Sleep

Adequate hours of sleep and maintaining good hygiene through daily timetables for proper night’s rest is recommendable for proper functioning of the human body metabolism.

3. Stress Management

Activities such as meditation and exercises like pranayama that involve breathing can help in avoiding stress which is counterproductive in helping to lower the high blood sugar levels in the body.

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Although such fruits like mangoes can still be taken in the consumption of persons with diabetics provided they do so in a moderate manner, Ayurveda gives an integrated approach to diabetics. The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes therefore includes diet, lifestyle, behavior, and herbal medicines with a view of aligning the distorted doshas and enhancing metabolism. A patient must seek medical advice from a doctor before deciding to drastically change his or her diet or even begin any course of treatment.

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