Herbs and Spices that control Blood Sugar

Herbs and Spices that control Blood Sugar
Herbs and Spices that control Blood Sugar

Insulin is a crucial factor involved in developing type 2 diabetes. This is a vital hormone, and you can’t survive without it. It is involved in managing the blood sugar (glucose) levels in the body, which is a highly complex process.

Due to the body’s inability to produce insulin up to the required levels, diabetes has been referred to as a chronic condition with altered blood sugar levels. Without enough insulin, the body’s metabolism becomes irregular, and its carbohydrate levels rise, and as a result, blood sugar levels also rise. But do you know that some spices and herbs can regulate blood sugar levels?

Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system, suggests using natural herbs, spices, and their formulations effectively deal with lifestyle disorders.

Diabetes is in the list of diseases that millions of people are experiencing worldwide. People who are still being saved from the disease should take precautions because the data supplied by the WHO is alarming. It says that due to lifestyle changes, it has been rising uncontrollably.

Being careful is advised because managing diabetes can be very challenging. If a person is committed enough, they can control their blood sugar levels by making dietary and daily lifestyle changes. Ayurveda has the beauty that it suggests simple yet effective lifestyle modifications. Applying these suggestions may provide beautiful results. You can use natural herbs that have no adverse effects.

According to Ayurveda, there are three primary doshas and disturbances in these doshas are responsible for various ailments. Keeping these doshas in appropriate balance keeps your body healthy. Ayurvedic physicians have identified that diabetes is the result of weakened Agni dosha. This weakened Agni leads to elevated blood sugar levels. Indian cuisine is made by using various herbs and spices. These herbs and spices are found effective in regulating raised blood sugar levels. A few simple lifestyle modifications are described below:

Modify your Lifestyle:

According to Ayurvedic physicians, any sickness in the human body is brought on by an imbalance in one of the three doshas. A Vata dosha imbalance brings on type 1 diabetes, but an excess of the Kapha dosha brings on Type 2 diabetes. Therefore, meals with lower fat content are considered crucial.

Drink water from a copper vessel:

Due to copper’s various health advantages, it is advised to add a cup of copper vessel stored water at least as the first thing in the morning. Let the water stay in the vessel overnight, and then drink it the next day. Water kept overnight in a copper vessel is an excellent home remedy to stabilise blood sugar.

Maintain a meal schedule:

Eating time is as crucial as eating sensibly. Ayurveda states that proper digestion and metabolism occur when the Agni or digestive fire is at its best. Ayurvedic texts say that Agni is at its highest when the sun is at its peak in the sky, i.e. at noon. Therefore, the heaviest and biggest meal should be your lunch.

Bitter is found to be Better for Diabetics.

For effective outcomes in a diabetic person, adding bitter food items to your diet is advised rather than limiting your sugar and carbohydrate intake. Bitter gourd, amla, hemp seeds, and aloe vera are a few options that have demonstrated outstanding outcomes in treating diabetes.

Proper Sleep

Having a good sleep is vital for health. Ayurveda suggests that one should take at least eight hours of sleep every day. Proper sleep does an excellent job of promoting good mental and physical health. Improper sleeping habits will negatively impact your blood sugar, blood pressure, appetite, and insulin sensitivity.

Get Moving

Try and keep yourself active. Physical activity is the best gift for good health.

Add Herbs and Spices to Your Diabetic Diet

Turmeric, mustard, asafetida, cinnamon, and coriander have anti-diabetic effects. Here are some herbs and spices you may incorporate into your diet regularly to naturally manage diabetes:

Bay Leaf

Bay leaf, widely used as a spice in Indian homes, is an ayurvedic home treatment for diabetes. Before meals, take a blend of bay leaf and turmeric to help control blood sugar fluctuations.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd must be a part of the diets of diabetics because it is loaded with hypoglycaemic biochemical compounds. It is well known for naturally lowering blood sugar levels; Charantin and Polypeptide-p have anti-diabetic characteristics. Additionally, drinking bitter gourd juice in the morning will benefit your health.

Black Gram

Adding black grams to one’s diet can lower one’s risk of developing diabetes or help those who already have type 1 or 2 diabetes.

Curry Leaf

Curry leaves tend to boost your insulin activity. To naturally manage diabetes, consume curry leaves twice or three times a day. When the body is enabled to use insulin properly, blood sugar levels get stabilised automatically.


Cinnamon is a natural ingredient that falls under the list of Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes. It is an effective stomach cleaner. It is involved in reducing the sharp spikes in blood sugar after meals. It is also found to be involved in increasing your insulin sensitivity as well.

Fenugreek Seeds

Galactomannan, a substance found in fenugreek seeds, is believed to slow down digestion and lessen the body’s absorption of carbohydrates. Ayurvedic physicians and modern researchers have found that methi seeds have anti-diabetic properties. Therefore, people with diabetes should drink methi-dana water or consume it. Consuming sprouts of fenugreek water is also recommended.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Amla is well known for regulating the body’s rate of glucose absorption. Amla’s chromium aids in regulating insulin sensitivity. Amla can be either raw or combined with bitter gourd and gooseberry to increase pancreatic cell activity and lower blood sugar levels.


Due to the Java plum’s or Jamun’s advantages in controlling the insulin gland and boosting insulin production, consumption of Jamun is strongly advised for people with diabetes. For a person with diabetes, eating 4-5 Jamun per day can have favourable effects.

Mango Leaves

Several nutrients are abundant in mango leaves. They can be taken with a glass of water, left out overnight, and consumed the following morning. Alternatively, you can dry the leaves and prepare a morning beverage by combining them with water.

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric, honey, and dried amla can effectively control blood sugar levels. Turmeric is famous for its various health benefits.

AyuKarma Wellness:

Ayukarma Ayurveda creates the possibility of offering individualised Ayurvedic therapies to help people stay healthy and disease-free. It aims to provide the best Ayurvedic care. Ayukarma Ayurveda adheres to Ayurvedic principles followed for years. It can provide people with easy and effective solutions to their problems. For all your queries, contact: https://ayukarma.com/contact-us