AyuKarma Ayurveda

Pyorrhea Ayurvedic Treatment

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What is Pyorrhoea?

Pyorrhea is a severe infection of the gums. It is triggered by bacteria that may build on your teeth and gums, which act as plaque. Although you can remove the plaque by brushing your teeth twice a day, you may still have some plaque left after taking meals. Poor oral hygiene is the main cause of pyorrhoea that occurs along with indigestion and hyperacidity.

Calculus, which is the hard form of the plaque, removal of that is hard and beneath it, the bacterial growth may produce toxins that irritate the gums, causing them to be inflamed and bleed eventually.

Other conditions that may contribute to gum and teeth infection or pyorrhea is the presence of chemical irritants in the mouth, a buildup of food particles, poor hygiene practices, and improper use of toothpicks.

As periodontitis advances, there is a subsequent increase in the damage to the bones and teeth.

An underlying gum inflammation could also be the possible cause of pyorrhea or periodontitis, causing vacuity to form in between the gums and teeth. As the space increases, it gets filled with plaque, bacteria, and calculus.

If not treated, this bacterial buildup can result in the loss of tissues and bone and eventually loss of teeth.


Pyorrhea or periodontitis is an inflammation of the teeth that gets worse over time.

Inflammation (gingivitis)

Pyorrhea begins as inflammation in the gums. The most common signs of gingivitis include gums that bleed when you brush or floss your teeth, discoloration of the teeth. This is due to the plaque, which is nothing else but food particles and bacteria buildup in the teeth.

Bacteria are present in the mouth, although they are only harmful when certain conditions allow them to multiply dramatically. This worsens even more if you don’t brush or floss your teeth properly or don’t practise oral hygiene.

Early periodontal disease

Initially, your gum recedes or pulls away from your teeth, thereby vacuuming spaces between the gum and teeth. The vacuum harbors bacterial growth. In response to this bacterial infection, the immune system fights the disease and results in the destruction of the gum tissues.

Moderate periodontal disease

This is moderate damage to the gums and teeth that may result in bleeding and pain around the teeth and gum recession. The teeth lose bone support and tend to break off. The infection can also alter inflammatory responses throughout the body.

Advanced periodontal disease

In the advanced stage, the connective tissue that binds your teeth to the place begins to deteriorate. The gums, bones, and other supportive tissues may recede. You may not be able to chew your food properly, have a foul taste in the mouth, experience bad breath, or you may also lose your teeth.


The symptoms depend on the stage of disease but generally include:

  • gums that bleed when you brush your teeth or floss
  • tooth loss
  • bad breath
  • foul taste in your mouth
  • changes in the position of your teeth
  • receding gums
  • inflamed or tender or swollen gums
  • plaque buildup on your teeth
  • pain when chewing
  • the inflammatory response throughout your body

In the initial stages you might not experience the signs linked to pyorrhea or periodontitis. Only your doctor will be able to point them first.


Certain factors may put you at an increased risk of developing periodontitis or pyorrhea, such as:

  • Smoking is one of the biggest factors that affects your immune system response to gum infection
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal changes in women (such as during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause) can make the gums more sensitive
  • conditions that change your immune system response, like HIV or leukaemia
  • Medications or conditions that reduce the flow of saliva in your mouth
  • Genetics
  • Deficiency in vitamin C or other nutrients
  • Old age

Ayurvedic treatment for pyorrhea

According to Ayurveda, every condition in the body is an outcome of Rasa and Rakta Dhatus. This vitiation could be an outcome of impaired digestion. The harmful product produced post digestion mixed with these Rasa and Rakta dhatus and pile up in gums and oral cavity. So pyorrhea is believed to be a result of poor digestion.

Through ayurvedic treatment, digestion is restored using herbal concoctions and a Satvik diet until you get better. Cleansing herbs for blood are administered to the patients orally so that plaque is get rid of and bacteria do not get enough space to accumulate in the teeth.

At AyuKarma, we employ herbal medicines, procedures, therapies as a way to help eliminate the ongoing illness you are going through. Our ayurvedic physicians are committed to helping you fight disease using natural ways only. Rest assured, our ayurvedic treatment is not limited to medicines only, but it also constitutes traditional ways of diet and yoga to strengthen your core.

Reach out to us for more information.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025