AyuKarma Ayurveda

Treatment for Piles in Ayurveda

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What is Piles?

Treatment for Piles in Ayurveda

Piles are another name for haemorrhoids which is the presence of an abnormal number of tissues in the anal canal. They are made up of blood vessels, muscles, and elastic fibres.

Haemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum called internal haemorrhoids or under the skin in the region, which is referred to as external haemorrhoids.

Nearly three out of four adults may have piles once in their lifetime. There are many risk factors involved in the occurrence of piles, but no exact cause has yet been identified.

Many people have piles, but the signs are not always apparent. Only half of the people with piles notice symptoms before the age of 50.

Fortunately, options are available to treat haemorrhoids. Many people get relief with home treatments and lifestyle changes.

Signs and Symptoms

Those with piles or haemorrhoids may experience painful lumps around the anus. Basically, this is coagulated blood. Piles that secrete blood are referred to as thrombosed external haemorrhoids.

The signs and symptoms of haemorrhoids depend on the type, internal and external.

Internal Haemorrhoids

Internal haemorrhoids develop inside the rectum. They hardly cause you any discomfort and you may not see or feel them. But pain or irritation when you pass stool can cause:

  • Painless bleeding accompanied by bowel movements.
  • Pushing a haemorrhoid through the anal opening may cause intense pain and irritation, and itching.

External Haemorrhoids

They develop under the skin, on the areas around the anus. Generalised signs and symptoms may include:

  • Pain or discomfort
  • Swelling around your anus
  • Itching or irritation in the anal region
  • Bleeding when passing stool

If pile aggravates as a more serious condition, you may notices complications, such as:

  • excessive bleeding that may lead to anaemia
  • severe infection
  • inability to control bowel movements
  • anal fistula, which is the new channel that gets build between the inside and outside parts of the anus.
  • a strangulated haemorrhoid, which has been trapped by the muscles. If this happens, the blood supply to the haemorrhoid is disrupted, resulting in an infection or a blood test.

Sometimes changes in bowel habits may result in outbursts of blood along with the stool. Rectal bleeding can also be a sign of other conditions, such as colorectal cancer and cancer in the anal.

Grades of Piles

Piles are classified into four grades:

  1. Grade I: The inflammations inside the lining of the anus, which are not visible, though.
  2. Grade II: Larger inflammations than grade I piles. They also remain inside the anus. Although such lumps or haemorrhoids get passed out during the stool, they usually remain unaddressed.
  3. Grade III: Such prolapsed haemorrhoids begin at the outside of the anus. Likely you may feel them hanging out from the rectum, but they can be re-inserted.

    The individual may feel them hanging from the rectum, but they can be easily re-inserted.

  4. Grade IV: Such haemorrhoids cannot be re-inserted. They usually remain outside of the anus.


The veins around the anus may extend or stretch abnormally under pressure which is why they become swollen or inflamed. Perhaps, this increased pressure can occur due to:

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Sitting for a long time on the toilet seat
  • Having chronic diarrhoea or constipation
  • Pregnancy
  • Having anal intercourse
  • Eating a low-fibre diet
  • Heavy lifting
  • Obesity

Risk Factors

As you age, the tissues that support the vein in your rectum and anus may stretch over time. This may increase the pressure in the veins.

Pregnancy is yet another factor related to the risk of haemorrhoids due to the fetus pressurising the anal region.

Ayurvedic treatment for Haemorrhoids

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to cure the disease of its roots. Your ayurvedic practitioner will begin by evaluating the dosha before curating treatment options for you. It is suggested that you talk to your doctor before making any changes in your treatment methodology which includes herbal medicines, lifestyle changes, minimally invasive procedures.

These are:

1. Medical management

This treatment works wonders on first-degree haemorrhoids. But if you have a severe form of piles, ayurvedic physicians will use it as a co-therapy along with other procedures.

2. Operative management

The use of minimally invasive technique, Kshara Sutra prevents haemorrhoids from becoming severe. The procedure involves tying haemorrhoids at the base by Kshara sutra, which is the thread processed with medicines. Using the principle of pressure necrosis, blood supply is immediately obstructed to the pile mass. A time, later on, haemorrhoids may start to shrink and die within a few days. Scar tissues are left behind to support the corresponding veins in the area and prevent them from expanding further.

3. Application of Ayurvedic Kshara (Caustics made of Ayurvedic herbs)

This non-surgical procedure of Ayurveda is also helpful in the management of piles. Medicines made from rare herbal combinations are applied to the pile mass using a special proctoscope. The benefits of Kshara are quite high in comparison to other procedures used for the treatment of haemorrhoids or piles.

4. Cauterisation or Agnikarma

Agnikarma as thermal cautery is a suitable procedure for piles and anal warts falling in Vatha Kaphaja type of Arsha. This kind of therapy might require four to six seatings over the same number of weeks before it actually makes a difference in your health.

Every procedure performed in Ayurveda is individualised, keeping in mind the doshas of the body and the health condition of the patients.

At AyuKarma, we are committed to taking care of our patients using our ayurvedic knowledge. Our ayurvedic practitioners are skilled in curating medicines that are specific to your need. The treatment for the pile is specific and curated based on guidelines of Ayurveda.

If you want to know more about the treatment, you can consult us.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025