AyuKarma Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Treatment for Macular Degeneration

Ayurvedic Remedies, Therapies, and Advice for All Your Health Issues, Recommended by Expert Health Professionals

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What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration (MD) is an eye condition in which the central portion of the retina called macula wears out in people over 60. Over time, macular degeneration is often the cause of vision loss in many cases. Your central vision is mainly affected when you have macular degeneration.

Central vision is the objectives you see through in front of the eyes when looking straight. Peripheral vision is the objects you see on your side when you look straight ahead.

Macular degeneration does not affect your peripheral vision but central.

Age-related macular degeneration primarily affects people who are older age. It is threatening but does not end up with complete vision loss.

Macular degeneration, if it affects children and young adults, it is called Stargardt disease or juvenile macular degeneration.

Other types of macular degeneration may include:

  • Dry: Dry macular degeneration affects a larger portion of the population. The cause is large yellow depositions called drusen under the macula. As the condition gets disrupted, you may experience dim and distorted vision. The light-sensitive cells in the macula break off. In the atrophic form of macula degeneration, blind spots in the centre of the vision become more prominent. Hence, central vision is affected largely.
  • Wet: Wet macular degeneration influences vision in less than 15% of the population. The reason that can be linked is the occurrence of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retina and macula. Likely, blood vessels leak blood and fluid into the retina. The distorted vision makes vision wavy. If left untreated, blood vessels that leak blood form a scar, causing you a permanent loss of vision.

Signs and Symptoms

Macular degenerative usually gets over time. This also means that you may not notice any sign initially but later on in life. If both eyes are affected, people confuse it with normal vision changes, hence the cause of vision loss is not understood.

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • a reduction in central vision
  • distortion of straight lines making vision wavy
  • the need to increase the lighting to improve vision
  • blurriness
  • trouble recognising; hence people
  • damage to the retina
  • difficulty adapting to low lights

In the case of wet macular degeneration, you may also experience:

  • a blurry and blurry spot in your field of vision
  • vision issues due to blood vessels bleeding or leaking fluid
  • hazy vision
  • rapidly worsening symptoms

Dry macular degeneration is a gradual and progressive loss of vision, while wet macular degeneration progress at a much faster rate.

Causes of Macular Degeneration

The exact cause of macular degeneration is still not fully known. Research has indicated a combination of genetic and environmental factors in the evolution of macular degeneration.

Getting older also puts you at risk of macular degeneration. With age, dry macular degeneration disrupts the macula’s function, a portion of the retina that is responsible for clear vision.

Risk Factors

Risk factors that can raise your risk of macular degeneration may include:

  • Age. People who are more than 60 are at risk.
  • Family history and genetics. If anyone in your family has had macular degeneration, your risk also elevates. Specific genes are responsible for the development of conditions.
  • Smoking. Smoking cigar or cigarettes or exposure to smoke may likely cause you macular degeneration later in life.
  • Obesity. Having a higher BMI may increase your risk of intermediate MG. Obesity affects blood flow in the vessels and is expected to worsen the signs even more.
  • Cardiovascular disease. Conditions that affect heart and blood vessels may put you at risk of macular degeneration.

If you have had diseases that affected your heart and blood vessels, you may be at higher risk of macular degeneration.

Ayurvedic treatment for Macular Degeneration

As per Ayurveda, Shaalakya tantra deals with a disease that is related to the eye. Drishti dosha means there is a problem with the vision. And most likely, the cause is imbalanced Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

So in the majority of cases, the focus is on Ayurvedic treatment, which helps to stabilise or pacify the doshas. Rasayana is one of the treatments of Ayurveda that helped to improve longevity and keep up with health. The aim is to provide nutrition at all levels, from macro to micro-cellular levels.

Rasayana is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy that helps in the maintenance & promotion of health. Rasayana essentially means nutrition at all levels, from macro to micro-cellular levels.

Although macular degeneration cannot be rectified, ayurvedic reliefs can still help subside the signs of the condition.

The best part about Ayurveda is that it does not pose any threat to the body. The major focus is on helping glutathione to support macula.

At AyuKarma, we are committed to helping our patients get better with the use of ayurvedic methodologies. The aim is to restore health using Ayurvedic medicines, therapies and procedures. Ayurveda is a combination of diet and medicines to work on improving the functioning of the organ, remove toxins from the body, and calm the channels of the body.

Consult us for more information on how the treatment works for health.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025