AyuKarma Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Fall

Ayurvedic Remedies, Therapies, and Advice for All Your Health Issues, Recommended by Expert Health Professionals

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What is Hair Fall?

Hair loss or alopecia is when you are losing more than 125 strands of hair per day. Hair loss can affect just one scalp, one or more parts of your body. It can perhaps be temporary or permanent and may seem to have hereditary, hormonal or medical causes linked to it. In many cases, hair fall is also a normal part of ageing. Hereditary hair loss with age is also a cause of baldness.

Many people do not consider the bouts of hair loss a thing to consider and avoid treatment or keep it a secret. Others may prefer to cover it up with cosmetic procedures or hats or scarves. While you may adopt any of the ways, treating your hair fall is necessary to restore hair growth. Although less likely, you will be able to prevent hair loss entirely. If you get to see a dermatologist early, you might respond to treatment.

Hair loss is more common in men.

Signs and Symptoms

Hair loss can affect everyone differently, depending upon the cause. It may onset suddenly or gradually, impacting one part of your scalp or the whole body.

Usual signs of hair loss may include:

  • Gradual thinning on top of head: This is the most common sign of hair loss appearing in people as they age. In men, hair diminishes at the hairline on the forehead. Women differently develop a broadening of the part in their hair. Older women also experience frontal fibrosing alopecia, a common hair loss pattern in which they have a receding hairline.
  • Sudden hair loss: This first appears shocking when you have hair strands in your hands while combing your hair. Quite commonly, you may see them around when washing your hair or while gently tugging. This type of hair loss causes overall hair thinning, but it is not permanent.
  • Patchy bald spots: Some people lose hair in a fixed pattern, such as patchy bald spots on the scalp, eyebrows, or beard.
  • Itchy skin: In response to the hair skin, your skin may become itchy or painful.
  • Scaling: It is referred to as ringworm characterized by scaling that grows over the scalp. The additional signs may include broken hair, swelling, redness, etc.
  • Full-body hair loss. Many people experience full hair body loss along with scalp hair fall.


First, your doctor or dermatologist will understand the underlying cause of your hair loss. Heredity places important role a common role in male or female pattern baldness.

If anyone in your family has had experience hair fall before, likely you may have this type of hair loss.

There is yet another cause in which a halt in the cycle of hair growth may result in hair loss. Surgery, medical conditions, stress, trauma can also make you lose hair. However, this is something temporary as your hair may grow again once the underlying cause is treated.

Sex hormones may also trigger hair loss at the time you hit puberty. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause may also result in temporary hair loss.

A diet that is low in protein, iron, and other nutrients can also lead to hair thinning, resulting in hair loss over time.

Medical conditions that can cause hair loss are as follow:

  • thyroid
  • autoimmune diseases that attack hair follicles include alopecia areata
  • scalp infections like ringworm
  • conditions that may result in scarring of tissues and some types of lupus, also can result in permanent hair loss because of the scarring.

Several medical treatments or medications can also result in hair loss, such as for

  • cancer
  • high blood pressure
  • heart problems
  • arthritis
  • depression

Shock, including physical or emotional shock, may also bring complications to health including hair loss. Triggers may include:

  • death of the loved one
  • abnormal weight loss
  • a high fever

Yet another term called traction hair loss is very common. It is when you constantly pull your hair back very tightly that put pressure on the follicles.

Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss

In Ayurveda, increased hair fall is termed as Khalitya, which comes under the aegis of Shiroroga. Hair loss or fall is mostly related to an imbalance of Pitta energy along with vitiated Vata in the body. Further, vitiated Sleshma/Kapha and Rakta will obstruct hair growth so that your hair does not grow on that particular part.

Hair loss is primarily related to Pitta dominance, but Tridoshajanya Vyadhi is also a cause of aggravation of all three doshas. Based on the dominance of each dosha, the condition can be classified into these types:

  • Vataja Khalitya
  • Pittaja Khalitya
  • Kaphaja Khalitya
  • Sannipataja or Tridoshaja Khalitya

Here are some ayurvedic procedures to help you out:

Shirodhara: ‘Shiro’ refers to the head, and ‘Dhara means to flow. In this procedure, warm oils are poured on the head and massaged. This boosts circulation and promotes the strengthening of hair. Yes, it does have an effect on your overall health as well.

Shiro Abhyanga: This is yet another procedure to massage the scalp using herbal oils. The aim is to promote regrowth from the roots. Also, ayurvedic procedures like Shiro Abhyanga are very helpful in preventing or managing grey hair by nourishing nerve endings.

At AyuKarma, we have procedures and therapies to help you manage hair loss. The condition can be dreadful, so we advise our patients to work on the root cause as it is done in Ayurveda.

If you are looking for a solution to all your hair problems, book your consultation now.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025