AyuKarma Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

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What is Cervical Spondylosis?

Cervical spondylosis, also called cervical osteoarthritis, is a natural wearing of cartilage, ligaments, bones, and disks in the neck. Perhaps, this natural changing could be due to the wear and tear of ageing. As you age, the cervical spine discs gradually break down, lose fluid, and turn hard or stiff. As a result of this, spurs or abnormal growths called osteophytes may develop in the neck.

These outer growths can cause narrowing of the spines within the spine, which can pressurise the nerves that travel through the spine, a condition called cervical spinal stenosis.

Mostly, it affects the neck and the areas surrounding it. Although cervical spondylosis is related to age, it can also be a result of other factors as well. Some people have it without any alarming signs. At the same time, others may experience neck pain or stiffness. Those who have it are not able to lead a normal life. Therapies, including heat, massage, are the first treatment approaches to it. In the advanced stage, ayurvedic treatment is needed to get over it.


The wear and tear of bones and protective cartilage in the neck is the prime cause of cervical spondylosis. The other causes include:

Dehydrated spinal discs

Discs are thick and cushions between the vertebrate of the spine. By the age of mid-30s, the fluid, gel-like material inside the discs dry out. The cushion-like discs in between the spinal bones promote flexibility of the spinal bones. The less the gel, the more the bones rub together, which can be severely painful.

Bone spurs

Disc degeneration often results in the spine producing extra bones in a misguided effort to strengthen the spine. In the name of making the spine stronger, the extra bone press the delicate areas of the spine, manifesting pain in the spinal cord.

Herniated discs

Normal ageing results in the tear or crack of spinal discs, thereby causing pain, tingling, or numbness. This is called a herniated disk. This herniation can make the disk bulge out that starts to press the nearby organs or a nerve.

Stiffness in ligaments

The cords that connect spinal bones to one another get stiffened over time. As a result of this, the neck does not move as intended.


Having gone through injuries in the past can also result in the degeneration of discs.


The overuse of the spine due to occupations or hobbies that make results in repetitive movements or heavy lifting. This extra pressure on the spine results in speedy wear and tear.

Risk Factors

The most prominent risk factor linked to cervical spondylosis is normal ageing. Cervical spondylosis occurs due to abnormal changes in the neck joints, which are a part of normal ageing. Ageing is also related to a herniated disc, bone spurs, dehydration, etc.

Other factors other than ageing also contribute to your risk of cervical spondylosis. These include:

  • injuries of neck
  • work-related activities that put extra pressure on your neck, such as exercise
  • being overweight and inactive
  • prolonged holding of your neck in an uncomfortable or awkward position
  • a family history of cervical spondylosis
  • smoking


For many people, cervical spondylosis may exist without any warning sign.

If symptoms do appear, they may typically include:

  • Neck pain or stiffness is the main sign to look for. The pain may become intense when you move your neck or cough or sneeze or stand for a long
  • Sheer soreness in the neck
  • A clicking or grinding sound when you move your neck
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Muscle spasms
  • Difficulty in lifting the arms or grasp objects firmly

Consult your doctor if your neck pain is interfering with your daily life.

Ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis

In Ayurveda, all the degenerative conditions are classified as Vata disorder. DIfferent diseases similar to degenerative conditions have similar symptoms almost and affect mobility.

Vata is the principle dosha of the movement related to the skeletomuscular system and the nervous system.

Vatavyadhis comes under a group of diseases that manifest by dhatu kshaya or margavarana. The treatment aims to restore the natural functioning of the body by correcting this imbalance Vata.

At AyuKarma, the treatment for cervical spondylosis is inclusive of internal and external applications or herbal concoctions. Panchakarma is one of the best therapies applied in ayurvedic procedures to help the person get rid of pain in the neck and complications bought in. This management of degenerative disorders by removing the toxins in the body also helps to open up chakras.

Besides, the patient is also given dietary advice so that you do not consume a diet rich in Vata enhancing foods. Using the procedure, you can actually help the body open up to its natural healing capacity.

If you or any of your loved ones is suffering from cervical spondylosis, let us know. Our treatment is purely authentic and organic to be adopted by patients.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025