AyuKarma Ayurveda

Acidity Treatment in Ayurveda: Hyperacidity, Acid Reflux, GERD

Ayurvedic Remedies, Therapies, and Advice for All Your Health Issues, Recommended by Expert Health Professionals

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What is Acidity? (Acid Reflux)

Acidity is one of the most common health ailments. Normally, acidity refers to a condition when there is excessive acid production in the stomach. Acidity causes discomfort, and you will also experience symptoms such as a sour taste in the mouth. Acidity treatment in Ayurveda makes use of potent herbs to completely cure this disease.

Causes of Acidity

Acidity can be caused by:

  • Poor eating habits
  • Medications
  • Smoking
  • Consuming foods that are high in fat
  • A high intake of carbonated, caffeinated drinks
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress or depression

It is vital to note that everyone suffers from acidity once in a while. However, if your bout of acidity is quite frequent (twice or thrice a week), then you should consult a doctor immediately, as it may indicate an underlying health issue. Acidity treatment in Ayurveda is pretty effective in combating the various symptoms associated with acidity and treating them efficiently.

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Symptoms of Acidity

Symptoms occur when there is a backward flow of stomach acid into the esophagus (food pipe). We have a ring of muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It functions as a valve, allowing food to enter the stomach but not letting it go back to the esophagus. If there are some issues with the functioning of this valve, stomach contents regurgitate into the esophagus. Below are some of the symptoms often associated with acidity:

  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sore throat
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Indigestion
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Diagnosing Acidity in Ayurveda

If your acidity bouts are infrequent, then doctors may not suggest any tests for the acidity diagnosis. However, if your acidity symptoms are frequent, then some of the following tests may be recommended:

  • Upper GI endoscopy
  • pH monitoring
  • Barium swallow test (esophagram)
  • Esophageal manometry
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
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Acidity Treatment in Ayurveda

Acidity treatment in Ayurveda focuses on balancing the Pitta Dosha (the fire element) in the body to cure acidity. Hyperacidity treatment in Ayurveda lists herbs that balance out the dosha imbalance in the body, resulting in a comprehensive cure for the disease.

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Ayurvedic Medicine for Acidity

Acid reflux treatment in Ayurveda makes use of the following herbs:

  • Indian Gooseberry: Indian gooseberry, or Amla, is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Amla has been linked with a reduction of Pitta dosh in the body. You can drink Amla juice or include it in your daily diet to reap its benefits.
  • Cumin Seeds: One of the most commonly used herbs for acidity treatment in Ayurveda is cumin seeds. Powder the cumin seeds, add water, boil the solution, and then filter it. Drink it daily instead of normal water. It will completely cure your acidity issues.
  • Mulethi (liquorice) and Honey: Mulethi is another potent Ayurvedic medicine for acidity. Powder liquorice and add honey to it so that it takes the form of a paste. Lick this paste daily after meals. Liquorice has a neutralizing effect on the acid buildup in the body.
  • Aniseed: Aniseed, or saunf, is widely used for acidity treatment in Ayurveda. Slowly chew them raw with water to get instant relief from the acidity.
  • Mint leaves: Mint has shown excellent results in reducing acid production in the body, and it tones down the burning sensation in the stomach. Chop and boil a few mint leaves, let the solution cool down, and drink it.
  • Tulsi: Tulsi is a potent herb for GERD Ayurvedic treatment. Regular consumption of tulsi has been linked with increased mucus production in the stomach, and it also has anti-ulcer properties.
  • Cardamom: Elaichi, or cardamom, is one of the most widely used herbs in Ayurveda. It has been proven effective in stimulating digestion, soothing the stomach lining, and preventing excessive acid production. However, be sure to consult your doctor before you consume any herbal remedy.

Acidity treatment in Ayurveda also advises on dietary tips to help prevent acidity. Some of the best home remedies for effectively reducing acidity are:

  • Eat small, frequent meals: One of the simplest ways to lower acidity is to have small, frequent meals. Consuming a heavy meal puts a lot of pressure on our digestive system. Sometimes, this leads to indigestion and symptoms associated with acidity.
  • Eat a low-carb diet: A low-carb diet has been linked with reduced heartburn symptoms. A diet high in carbs can make you feel bloated.
  • Chew your food properly: It is vital that you chew your food properly, as it allows your digestive system to digest the food efficiently. Additionally, when you chew your meal well, you essentially break it into tiny fragments, leading to easy digestion.
  • Have healthy eating habits: Binge-eating, eating late at night, etc. should be avoided at all costs if you want to prevent acidity. Do not sleep immediately post-meal. Go for a post-dinner walk so that your meal gets digested properly.
  • Limit consumption of spicy and deep-fried foods: If you regularly consume spicy andl deep-fried foods, then you may be inviting excessive gastric acid production in your body. Deep-fried foods take time to digest, and they may also cause constipation in some people. Try to moderate the consumption of such foods.
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Why Choose Ayurveda for Acidity?

Because Ayurvedic treatments are safe and herbal, Acidity treatment in Ayurveda employs the use of Ayurvedic herbs to completely cure acidity while ensuring you don’t have to face any side effects. Additionally, Ayurvedic treatment for acidity works by eliminating the root cause of the disease, thus providing you with long-lasting relief.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How can I reduce acidity?

Ans. It is simple. Have healthy eating habits, chew your food properly, avoid late-night eating or binge eating, moderate the consumption of deeply fried foods, etc.

Q2. What is the main reason for acidity?

Ans. In most cases, poor eating habits result in acidity. An unhealthy lifestyle also contributes to the buildup of acidity. Some medications can also make you feel bloated.

Q3. Are Ayurvedic medicines effective for acidity?

Ans. Yes, acidity treatment in Ayurveda employs the use of extremely potent herbs like amla, cumin seeds, mulethi, etc. to completely cure acidity.

Q4. How can I get immediate relief from acidity?

Ans. Chewing aniseed gives you immediate relief from acidity. You can eat a few ripe bananas, as they give immediate relief from a sudden bout of acidity.

Q5. Does drinking water help acid reflux?

Ans. Keeping yourself well-hydrated aids with smooth digestion, reducing your chances of having post-meal acid reflux.

Q6. Does drinking water help acid reflux?

Ans. Ayurveda offers a detailed and side-effect-free treatment for acidity. Acidity treatment in Ayurveda has various approaches to completely cure acidity. Plus, an ayurvedic treatment is devoid of any side effects.

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