AyuKarma Ayurveda

5 Best Cancer Control Medicines In Ayurveda

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5 Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

Cancer is a group of diseases in which mutations in the normal body cells turn them cancerous or malignant. These mutated cells ignore apoptosis (programmed cell death) and spread rapidly all across the body, also known as metastasis. These cancerous cells can affect almost every part of the body and if left untreated, cancerous cells can lead to death as well. Ayurvedic treatment for cancer makes use of potent herbal medicines for an effective treatment of this disease. This article will discuss symptoms, causes, 5 best cancer control medicines in Ayurveda, and various other aspects in detail.

Symptoms of Cancer

Cancer symptoms vary a lot, depending on the location and the organ affected.

General Symptoms or Symptoms that are General in Nature:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness that shows little to no improvement with rest
  • Fever not accompanied by an infection
  • Persistent pain (e.g., back or abdominal pain)
  • Night sweats

Localized Symptoms or Symptoms that Appear when Carcinogenic Cells Affect a Particular Body Part:

  • Lumps or swelling in areas like the breast, neck, or armpit
  • Yellowing, darkening, or redness of the skin or other skin changes
  • Sores that do not heal
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge
  • Chronic cough
  • Hoarseness or difficulty swallowing
  • Changes in bowel or bladder habits
  • Persistent indigestion
  • Moles that change in size, shape, or color
  • Development of new, unusual growths in the body

Causes of Cancer

Apart from an abnormal mutation in the DNA of the body cells, major contributing factors to cancer include:

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Hepatitis B and C viruses (liver cancer)
  • Epstein-Barr virus (linked to certain lymphomas)
  • Helicobacter pylori infection
  • Weakened immune system due to HIV/AIDS, organ transplants, etc.Tobacco use (smoking and chewing)
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Poor diet
  • Physical inactivity and obesity
  • Prolonged exposure to UV radiation
  • Exposure to carcinogens like asbestos, benzene, or industrial chemicals
  • Radiation exposure for prolonged periods
  • Inherited genetic mutations (e.g., BRCA1 and BRCA2)
  • Hormonal changes or imbalances
  • Chronic inflammation from infections like H. pylori or hepatitis viruses
  • Viral and Bacterial Infections
  • Prolonged exposure to high doses of radiation

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5 Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

The best Ayurvedic hospitals for cancer treatment make use of the following herbs to treat cancer symptoms:

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha - Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

This potent Ayurvedic herb comes with anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce inflammation in the body. Some studies have shown that leaf extracts of this Ayurvedic herb may selectively kill cancerous formations in the body, thus promoting a delay in the progression of the disease and its symptoms.

2. Amalaki/Amla

Amla - Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

Amla is one of the most potent Ayurvedic herbs and it has multiple benefits as well. Scientific studies have shown that Amla reduces damage to the cellular DNA structure in the body. It is also helpful in reducing oxidation in the liver, brain, breast, colon-related, and lung tissues. This Ayurvedic medicine for cancer can keep a check on the proinflammatory cells in the body.

3. Turmeric, Haridra, and Curcumin

Turmeric - Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

Turmeric’s strong anti-inflammatory properties keep a tab on the inflammation in the body cells. Some lab studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between consuming turmeric and a delayed progression of the cancerous cells in the body.

4. Giloy/Guduchi

Giloy - Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

This herb has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. Giloy may also help keep an eye on the unbridled division of cells in the body, thus reducing the formation of tumors in the body.

5. Kalmegh/Racha Vemu

Kalmegh - Best Cancer Control Medicines in Ayurveda

Kalmegh or the king of bitter selectively destroys cancer cells. Extract from this Ayurvedic herb rectifies the imbalance of the doshas in the body and improves your overall immunity.

Note - Please consult with your doctor before consuming any herb or medicine. Some of the Ayurvedic medicines may interfere with your ongoing cancer treatments.

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Cancer: Recommended Lifestyle Changes

1. Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet

A cancer-fighting diet should be rich in nutrient-dense foods. If you are a cancer patient, then consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats should be your priority. Antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) give a boost to the immune system, allowing the body to fight off the cancer symptoms effectively. Lean meats, fish, legumes, and plant-based proteins help boost muscle mass in cancer patients.

2. Hydration


Staying hydrated is vital for cancer patients, as chemotherapy can easily lead to dehydration. Water, herbal teas, coconut water, and broths help maintain hydration. However, avoid drinking aerated, carbonated drinks as they may lead to elevated blood sugar levels.

3. Small, Frequent Meals

Small, Frequent Meals

The digestion of many cancer patients gets compromised due to severe radiation. That is why, small portions are recommended to cancer patients. Eat small meals frequently all through the day so that your digestive system is not overburdened.

4. Limiting Processed Foods and Sugar

Limiting Processed Foods and Sugar

Processed meats, sugary foods, and high-fat snacks hinder the body’s healing ability as they are directly linked with higher inflammation in the body cells. Limiting these foods is vital for cancer patients for improved prognosis.

5. Exercise


Engaging in regular, moderate physical activities like walking or yoga yields positive results for cancer patients, as these exercises reduce fatigue, improve circulation, and enhance mental well-being. However, you must discuss this with your healthcare provider before making any changes either to your lifestyle or to your diet.

6. Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol

Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol

This is the iron rule you must obey if you are suffering from cancer symptoms. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can severely hinder the efficacy of the cancer treatment and also exacerbate the symptoms. Consuming alcohol and tobacco for prolonged periods greatly increases your chances of developing cancer.


Suffering from cancer can be a horrific experience both for you and your family. Timely diagnosis and swift treatment hold the key for cancer patients. Supplementing conventional cancer treatment with Ayurvedic wisdom has yielded great results for cancer patients. Complementing your cancer treatment with anti-cancer Ayurvedic practices may improve symptoms, quicken rehab, and boost the quality of your life. However, prior consultation with your healthcare provider before incorporating or implementing any changes to your cancer treatment is indispensable.

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