AyuKarma Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Treatment for Bed Wetting

Ayurvedic Remedies, Therapies, and Advice for All Your Health Issues, Recommended by Expert Health Professionals

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What is Bed Wetting?

Bedwetting, also called nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence, is involuntary urination while sleeping at an age that is not reasonably accepted. It is an involuntary release of urine in the child over the age of 7.

Bedwetting is actually involuntary urination two or more times a week for three months or more in a row. For children, bedwetting often becomes embarrassing. It is often just a normal part of a child’s development. Generally, it is not considered a concern for children less than 7. By this time, the child may still be learning nighttime bladder control.

If bed-wetting continues, treating the problem with medications and therapies can help. Lifestyle changes, bladder training, along ayurvedic treatment can help cope with distressful signs linked to bedwetting.


The two main types of bedwetting include primary and secondary nocturnal enuresis:

Primary nocturnal enuresis is when the person has not passed the urine in the night for six months in a row or more.

Secondary nocturnal enuresis is when the signs of urinary incontinence relapse again after not wetting the bed for six months or more. Likely the cause could be a medical or psychological condition.


Signs of bedwetting include:

  • Increased urination or urgency
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Straining, dribbling, or other unusual symptoms with urination
  • Dark-colored urine because of blood in it
  • Bed-wetting during the day
  • Behavioural changes
  • Emotional outbursts or signs of withdrawal
  • Inability to control bowel movements
  • Constipation


Physical and psychological trauma often ends up in urinary incontinence. Some common causes linked to bedwetting in children and adults may include:

  • Emotional and psychological conditions such as stress, fear, or insecurity also lead to bedwetting
  • The small size of the bladder
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Neurological disorders, such as problems that occur after stroke
  • Prostate gland enlargement
  • Sleep apnea, or abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep
  • Sickle cell anaemia
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Constipation
  • fluctuations in hormones can also make people experience bedwetting. The hormone ADH or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced in the body to help slow down the production of urine overnight. The normal production of urine helps the bladder hold the urine overnight. If you don’t have enough ADH or the body is not making enough, you may experience nocturnal enuresis because the body does not hold higher volumes of urine.
  • poorly controlled blood sugar may also cause bedwetting. If you have diabetes, the body does not process sugar as it should and may generate more urine than usual. The increase in urine production can make children and adults pass out urine while sleeping.
  • Sometimes children are not able to go to the bathroom at night. The bladder, when fills with urine, send a signal to the brain. In response to this, the brain again sends back the signal to the bladder so it can hold more urine. The bladder which is full continues to send signal to the brain so that the child gets up and go to the washroom. Bedwetting happens when the child has not learned to interpret these signals.

Risk Factors

Gender and genetics are the two main factors that likely increase the risk for developing bedwetting in childhood.

Girls and boys both experience signs of nocturnal enuresis in their early childhood. This usually occurs between the ages of 3 and 5. Boys are more likely to have signs of bedwetting even when they get older.

More likely, if the parents, siblings or other family members have had the signs, the next generation seems to have the same issue. There are 70% chances if both the parents had experienced bedwetting in their early childhood.

The other reason is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), though the relationship between ADHD and bed-wetting is not fully understood yet.

Ayurvedic treatment for bedwetting

From the Ayurvedic context, bed-wetting is known as Shayyamutrata. It is a disorder characterised by the imbalance of Vata dosha. Ayurveda has practical solutions to treat the underlying causes linked to bladder incontinence.

The urine production process is governed by Prana, Vyana, and Apana Vata and Avalambaka Kapha. Urination is the function of Apana Vata, which is controlled by Prana and Vyana. The Apana Vata results in the active production of urine and motion.

But those with bedwetting have no control over the activities of Apana Vayu due to vitiation results in the loss of control of micturition. The vitiation could also be due to the enclosure of Apana by Kapha, which results in too much production of urine.

By way of ayurvedic treatment, the factors that result in the aggravation of doshas can be rectified. There are numerous procedures and therapies to balance the doshas and detoxify the body of toxins (Ama). Herbal remedies are very helpful in the management of bedwetting in children and adults.

At AYuKarma, we know how distressful the condition can be for parents. So, we employ procedures that can be helpful to the parents in getting rid of this.

If you need any help on bedwetting for your child, we have got your back.

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Certificate no- AH-2022-0145
FEB 23,2022 - FEB 22,2025